Our country was founded and built by the refuse of other countries.

The strong, smart refuse that scratched their way out of a bad situation,
Got across an ocean, and scratched out a life. Raising their kids,
In a slightly better situation, but still to be strong. Physically, mentally,
and morally. That continued until post WWII. Those kids were raised
in a much better/easier world. And had it much better than their parents.
With a burning desire to make life easier still for their kids. It continues.

Rome died of suicide.
Life was too easy, entertainment and relaxation were the focus
of life. Not being industrious or increasing strength.

Today, we are told to forget industry.
Look at how we are taxed to build the amphitheatre for our
gladiators to compete in. Look at our focus on leisure pursuits.

I'm afraid the Americans of past are gone. We have built defeat
into our success.

40 years ago the things that have transpired in the last few years couldn't have
happened. Imagine an armed force taking over 6 blocks of a major
city in 1970. Over running a police station, putting up a fence and
declaring it their own country.

The WWII generation was still running things,
And they would have run right the F' over those punks.
And there wouldn't have been another riot. Anywhere.

I'm afraid there won't be a strong group stand up to fight the good fight.
There won't be a fight, until it's a fight of desperation.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!