Originally Posted by IA_fog
Originally Posted by bhemry
Unfortunately, they're already working on us from about every angle possible all at once. Short answer is, if they were stupid enough to go for total gun confiscation all at once here in the beginning, that would do it. Longer answer, instead, it seems like they're going for a merger of big business and government hand and hand. They've been weeding out the mom & pop businesses through covid, and thus they have to control a much smaller number of businesses. They work together for their mutual best interest, like no competition and share in the wealth. The the government doesn't have to make laws about things they want because big business just refuses to do business with you, and you have no other alternatives.

There's the ESJ score coming, in fact, I hear it's already happening, and if your score isn't high enough at some point in the future, oh say because you post negative things about the government, aren't environmentally friendly enough, own too many guns, etc,... well, maybe you won't have a bank account or credit card or Paypal anymore, and maybe you'll get laid off from your job and branded as an outcast. Also maybe you'll get kicked off of Facebook, Twitter, or any other way that you communicate, including shutting down forums like these, or conservative "hate talk" radio. I think all of my conservative friends and I have had oodles of our posts blocked or flagged, and been either suspended or banned on social network sites for daring to disagree with Covid or the elections, etc. Just look what they did to Parler. Deutsche bank has vowed to never do business with Donald Trump again. And if gun shops, firearms manufacturers, and ammunition makers are shut down thru new regulations or no bank accounts..

Meanwhile, the propaganda wing of the demoncrat party- the mainstream media- has been working on marginalizing conservatives and Trump voters into "kook" status by hammering on the "insurrection" for a couple months. Big players in Hollywood, congress, and the media have been making suggestions about taking names for reeducation. Oh, and they are already working on dropping the dollar from being the world standard currency- the John Kerry statement at the World Economic Conference. Anyway, these are just a few of the fronts they're working on to either intimidate us into silence/ inaction, or to pick us off one at a time in other ways.

What’s this ESJ score

Ive been working every day and like most of us, have had a lot on our plate.

Sure, we've been worked at by "all angles".
That Sir Isaac Newton sure had it pegged about right.....