I have ordered three over the last 8 or so years, 2 of them last two years. All came exactly as I ordered them. I am not anyway diminishing or saying anyone else’s experiences didn’t happen only relaying my personal experience.

I have never had any interaction with customer service because it wasn’t needed.

All that being said I was very disappointed in the reduction in products and services offered. That is the whole point of a custom stock and to me the appeal of the McMillan being able to get something exactly the way you want it and I am willing to wait for it. I don’t think I can get any of the previous ones I bought again because they aren’t offered. It may only be 7% of your sales but it was almost 100% of my purchases.

I placed an order for another one in February because they happen to still offer the edge in a model 70 configuration that I wanted. I guess I will reserve judgement on until I receive it and report back.