Originally Posted by MikeReilly
I'm afraid you are in over your head. Firstly, sterilising vaccines are extremely rare. Almost all vaccines reduce the amount of infection/colonisation by infectious organisms and very few lead to absolute sterilisation. This isn't as big a problem as you are stating either. All vaccines lead to lower levels of infection and thus to vast reduction in disease states. The concomitant drop in the size of viral populations dramatically reduces the probability of the creation of variants, as seen in studies of rotovirus in infants after vaccination was introduced.

You tell me I’m in over my head, but you don’t even know how to spell sterilizing or colonization correctly, which proves those weren’t mistakes. Next, you clearly demonstrate you have no clue about sterilizing or non-sterilizing vaccines, and it isn’t my job to educate you.

Originally Posted by MikeReilly
Secondly, on the topic of m-rna, your criticism of it by stating that it changes your 'genes' is extremely out there. Your genes are dna and are found in the nucleus of your cell. m-rna is a transcripted rna (different nucleic acid) that is sent to the ribosomes as a blueprint for creating proteins. They have a short half life whereas dna lasts the life of the cell. No change in dna, no change in your genes. Your cells produce a protein for a short period that isn't naturally occurring in your body and it stimulates an immune response from both t-cells and antibodies being produced. This latter part is very similar to what other vaccine technologies do.

Or maybe it is you who is far out there, being you are clueless to the fact these Synthetic Gene Therapy (SGT) shots do not create a T-cell response, only a spike protein is produced, which shows you are uneducated in the technology. Gee, I wonder why they call them “gene therapy” if they aren’t changing your genes? And no, the design of these shots is nowhere close to being “similar” to other vaccine technologies. That is an outright lie. Oh, and why don’t you explain what happens to the “synthetic” transcript after it has done it’s job. It’s not like the trashman comes to collect the “waste”. How does that “synthetic” part floating around not cause DNA changes that could cause who knows what, immunocompromised, birth defects, et al. Gee, they haven’t gone through full trial protocols to test for all of that now, have they? That takes 10-20+ years.

Originally Posted by MikeReilly
As to m-rna technology, it's been studied for quite some time mostly with regard to cancer treatment. It has recently started to be studied for vaccines, and covid-19 is the first usage of it in this regard. The technology is tested and true, the only difference is the protein being produced.

This isn’t cancer we’re discussing mr. strawman. The technology did not go through the standard trial protocols to determine if they even work, not to mention long-term safety. No, the difference isn’t just the protein, which further proves you are clueless. They are producing non-matching antibodies, which leads to viral evasion, which proves you are clueless for not understanding this, as Virologists and PhD Biologists around the world do. Further, the 2,000% death rate over and above the death rate from reactions to the flu shot proves they are not safe, but deadly. For you to state they are tested and true, proves how ignorant you are.

Originally Posted by MikeReilly
I studied virology and immunology pretty extensively in University and have kept up with it for the most part over the years. [b]I can say with a reasonable level of certainty that there are few to no 'renowned' Virologists or Immunologists saying we must stop the vaccines[b]. There are a few quacks out there. There was a big list of supposed doctors and medical practitioners that later turned out to be part fake, partly composed of quacks like the demon semen lady and partly composed of such reliable sources as homeopaths (modern snake oil salesmen).

Your blatant ignorance above proves you’re clueless, no matter what education you have, and even Jag posted proof in this thread of people discussing the dangers of these shots. For anyone who wants to know the truths, the information is coming out, and the MSM can not hold it back. To state no world renowned Virologists and Biologists are not coming forward, who have impeccable credentials, proves you’re nothing but a troll, when the facts are they have been exposing these deadly shots since December 2020, when they were only in their BS trial phases, where they falsified documentation to create their BS 95% success.

Originally Posted by MikeReilly
ps: your understanding of 'viral evasion' is so flawed as to not require any response from me. Seriously, if this were true in the manner you stated no vaccines would work.

Your statement here proves you absolutely have zero clue, and is the real reason you are hiding behind your “not require a response”.

You can’t even spell sterilization or colonization correctly, you idiot, and you think you just slammed me to the carpet. You’re a damn fool, and your own posting on this topic proves it.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)