Originally Posted by Diesel
The age old question of what's it all about has been turning over and over in my mind lately.

My wife had a second heart attack a couple of days ago. Very scary and stressful for her and me. It was mild this time and she is doing good at present. Very small vein too small to fix. Thank God she is still with me.

On top of that I had a serious spell while sitting next to her in the hospital. Room started spinning, like 100mph, sweating like I was in a pouring rain, vomiting, could not stand up and kept my eyes closed because the spinning was so disorienting. As luck would have it, no better place for that to happen than a hospital. Two IVs bags of electrolytes later the spinning stopped and so did the sweats. Severe Dehydration? Vertigo? Gotta get checked out this week.

The point is that so many things have been going south on almost every single day that it is taking it's toll. Nothing seems of value. Hunting, and all other pursuits are of little interest. Fun seems distant at this stage. Why do we fight so hard to stay on the planet?

The only thing that makes sense is we do it for our family. My wife, kids, and dogs are reason enough to keep on keeping on and the thought of leaving them in the lurch is unacceptable. So get up tomorrow and continue the siege. I know many have a tougher time than me, and I marvel at what can be endured.

Anybody got a better explanation of what it is all about?

Each of us must decide this for ourselves. Family's a good place to start.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell