Don't want you guys to get the wrong impression. I still got a lotta kick left in me and will just step it up another notch for my wife. Like Big Jim says, I'm just too stubborn to quit. I have been around awhile and plan to be some more.

Lots of wisdom been espoused on this thread. I thank you all for the thoughts and experiences.

The thing that has kept me at the fire all this time is knowing that this a a pretty good bunch of folks. Some days it would appear that you all want to kill each other, and the next it is a support team in action. There is solace in being able to type out what you are dealing with to folks that will hear you out. The "Fire" to the rescue when we think another needs a bucking up. Never look for pity, just perspective.

Today is a new day with renewed resolve.

And yes, Flave, you are the most important person on the planet. Just like the rest of us.