There are no material things that matter to me in this world, just people.

My grandmother used to say life is a bunch of crap with a little happiness thrown in. She was a great strong woman, born in 1907, went from mule teams to a Cadillac. Growing up in Missouri and 15 years old, she once had to take a knife to the hired hand on her father's farm and run him off, he was abusive to her younger brother. Lost her 3rd child as an infant, suffered through the depression, married my grandfather at 17 after both of her parents died within months of each other after moving to Colorado. She lived to 97 in a house I built for her on my dad's property, was well to do by then with money and property... yet her only true happiness was her family.

At 64 I understand the same thing for the same reasons.

Death has never scared me and will be welcome when it comes, until then I search for nuggets of happiness in all the crap.
