Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by bigwhoop
Originally Posted by jackmountain
I’m baffled why anyone would be willing to live in an urban environment. Anyone have a valid argument for embracing cultural/racial/religious diversity? I’m confused on why people with completely opposing views should live together.

Some are born there and never find a way to leave.

Maybe that's true for some people. But most urbanites wouldn't have to commute more than 30 miles or so to live outside of the city.

I think it's more of a cultural thing. People who have never lived rural have a difficult time adapting.

I think that will change quite a bit soon, however. It's going to become evident that leaving the cities is necessary for Caucasians. The cities are filling up with people who are hostile to whites. It's only going to get worse.

thanks to the pandemic, working remotely, 2 day amazon delivery and high speed internet satellite (in about another year) is going to open up areas of the country to what used to be unthinkable for people. Going to be alot more Randy Weavers in the world in a few years if you can find the land. I'm hoping to be one of them in about 4 years.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings