Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by jackmountain
I’m baffled why anyone would be willing to live in an urban environment. Anyone have a valid argument for embracing cultural/racial/religious diversity? I’m confused on why people with completely opposing views should live together.

I enjoyed living in the city when I moved there from a very rural area in 1975 when I was 19. I met lots of new people and liked being active and always having something social to do.

The cities are very different now. I'm back in a rural area and don't even like to visit a city.

Meeting “lots of new people” and “always having something social to do” is near the bottom of my list of my priorities. I hate people.

Give me a couple good horses, a dog, and a couple weeks in the mountains with Momma.

Neither of us have any use for anything found in the city. And not much use for that which is found in a small town, except Momma likes a burger and fries every month or two.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.