Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Again, will you be sharing Heaven with the queers, lesbos, pederasts, animal lovers, serial killers, etc. And will they be practicing their habits in Heaven?
I believe that anyone who does go to heaven will be sharing space there with other forgiven sinners. Good people don't go to heaven. Forgiven people go to heaven. People who have accepted God’s grace, by faith, and not because of anything else that they have or haven’t done.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Okay, we can leave the pederasts and the serial killers out. They obviously are not lovers of their neighbors. But the rest of them are hurting no one, except offending some who are sensitive to their lifestyle.
Sin offends God, but I believe He is more broken-hearted by it than He is put off by it. And I believe that our own sin is harmful to us.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Is it the sensitive types who are failing in the love thy neighbor department?
Jesus Himself is the one who said it, and He was clearly a pretty tough man.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Oh yes, what about the Socialists?
They are sinners, just like you and I, and everybody else are sinners. It’s a big, all-inclusive group, regardless of one’s political leanings.

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