Never so much as a hand laid on me by a teacher, though I deserved it a few times. Made a few trips to the principal's office, that was typically met w/spankings @ home. My most serious offenses in school were general smart-assery nothing malicious or that would've hurt another student.

Kids are 8 and 12. Teachers are told at orientation that if there is poor behavior we want to know ASAP and don't let things "build/slide". I have 0 problem w/stern language to set one of my kids straight should they need it however, true "Discipline" will be handled at home. 8yr old occasionally has trouble keeping to herself when she finishes assignments before the other kids, I "suffered" the same issue. My answer to youngest daughter's teachers is the same as my dad's was to mine, "Assign her additional work."

Kids are just about through 6th and 2nd grade. To date, they've both gotten excellent teachers.

I can walk on water.......................but I do stagger a bit on alcohol.