Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad

It dont work on some people.

We used to have a kid, prob’ly all of 5’4” tall, first time on campus as a freshman already had his prison yard muscles grin At fifteen he already had the Virgen de Guadalupe tattoo all down his back over his name in big gothic letters (“GARCIA”) . I know this because when kids were on their way to a fight they would commonly remove their shirt. He would leave school, cross the street and join his gang buddies, I’d be out front with a walk-in-talkie on duty as school let out, most days he would flip me the bird, I would wave.

One day the guy was across the street after school and he looks like he has a softball in his eye socket, so swollen his eye was completely shut, had to be broken orbital bones. But there he was out throwing gang signs, ready to go.

Good luck correcting that kid with paddling.

Anyways one morning in that guy’s senior year I was riding my bike to school through the neighborhood and I came across that guy walking to school, so of course I flipped him the bird , he laughed and waved.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744