Originally Posted by smokepole
Hilarious. Ballistics tables and ft-lbs never killed a damn thing. Po3kung a big enough hole in the vitals is all it takes.

What's next? Why don't you expound on hydrostatic shock, that should be a hoot and good for another 20 pages.

It is getting harder to take you seriously, you might as well start with yer Mother's Uncle's Brother's Cousin kilt him a Bull Elk with his 22 Pistol so therefore it is good to go..

I would tell you to get an education, but hell you can't even spell it

Awaiting 31812 from the "Oracle", I am beginning to think you believe in that badge Bahahahahaha..

ps: I am also beginning to doubt you have done any sort of instruction, other than a Tie-Dye class at the Pearl Mall in Boulder
You do realize if you actually gave solid advice you wouldn't have to tell people about your alleged bone fides, it would be apparent..

You just don't come across as an experienced Hunter or specifically a Shooter to me

Slaying Orcs