My wife and all three kids worked in restaurants. I have two granddaughters doing so now.

Yes, I tip my waitress generously. Usually around 30%. And every one I know splits tips with bussers, and cooks. Usually about 10% to each.

If I am picking up food at the cash register or take out window, there's no waitress involved.

A story about a take out pizza order.

I had ordered about six pizzas plus a couple boxes of breadsticks from Idaho Pizza to take into my crew at work. When I got there to pick up the order it was short one pizza and one breadstick. I asked them to fix the order, and almost was late to work waiting for the additional pizza. They never did get the other breadstick on the order.

The cashier rang up the order at $67.80 and I handed her my debit card. She asked for a tip in a somewhat demanding manner,, and I told "Just make it an even $70.

I did not pay much attention at the time because I was late for work, but the cashier crumpled my receipt and dropped it into her trash basket. I looked up my checking account the next day and saw a debit for $80.

I looked up the company web site and filled out a customer satisfaction survey and reported the overcharge, and figured that was the end of it.

A couple days later, I got a call from a very nice young lady who identified herself as manager of the restaurant in question. She promised me the cashier was already terminated. And coupons for free pizzas would be forthcoming.

Sure enough, a few days later coupons for six pizzas and two breadsticks came in the mail, with a note of apology from the young female manager.

It has been a couple years or more, and I really do not know if I will ever step foot in that establishment again. But my grandkids enjoyed a great pizza party with the coupons.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.