Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Sure...some people go above and beyond.

Most just do enough to bet by.....mainly because tipping is now seen as compulsory.

If a restaurant owner paid good wages....we wouldn't have to suffer with schitty service.

Notice how there is virtually no competition for most restaurant jobs?

Its no different than welfare dependency.

If people ONLY tipped for excellent service and quality food....your argument would be valid.

I happen to live at the epicenter of the "hospitality industry" and have known plenty of people who own, operate or work in it. People compete vigorously for jobs as servers in the fine dining places here and the standards are rigorous. This is a right to work state and there are no token hires in the good joints, you meet the standard or you will get replaced on the spot. A server in a Michelin starred restaurant will make more than $100k/year here and will probably have started as a busboy or kitchen helper. Tip earners here are closely scrutinized by the IRS.

Opening a restaurant in a choice location here is a multi-million dollar gamble and many have failed. I have a client/friend who owns a prestigious restaurant in a premier hotel and know how hard he works and how much he values and protects his employees. Lots of creepy people have big $ and will act abusive if allowed. Gross behavior is not tolerated in these places and the networking in this town among the operators is amazing.

Every competitive high end restaurant/club here has at least one employee fluent in Mandarin and another in Mexican and a guy in a tailored suit that can remove a drunk and obnoxious NBA player w/out causing a fuss. This here ain't your Clarksville or Malta.

Customs vary w/ geography. We have breakfast at least once/week in a privately owned cafe that is only open from 0700-1400 daily and has had the same staff for years. The food and service are exemplary and the regulars appreciate the place and treat the staff w/ respect and reward them for a great experience. Life is good if you work at it.

If you are dining with crableg joggers YMMV.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC