FYI from another forum:

My wife is a Doc that owns her own clinic. 12 providers, 54 employees. She contracts services with a hospital but is not owned by the hospital. She is a contractor, not an employee. She is completely against the notion of a mandatory vaccine scenario. Her reasoning is quite simple. No one can argue no long term data on any of the vaccines exists. She's specifically against the mRNA delivery system for the same reason as some have mentioned. They have been working on this delivery method for 25 years and it has yet to get approval. She's big into research. Her focus now is researching Novavax. It is not an mRNA delivered solution. She has a full on lab in her clinic that's owned and operated by another Doc. She asked him about the Novavax solution and this was his response:

Novavax should theoretically be safer, however, the long term concern is that we are forming an antibody formulated to a virus from 18 months ago. The virus does slowly mutate and drift.

Giving these shots now is the equivalent of hospitals mandating flu shots, but telling us that they are going to give the formulation from 2 years ago’s season. Yes, even novavax.

An antibody lasts forever. If it is a good one against a relatively stable pathogen like measles or Hep B, that’s great. If it is a bad antibody, it can become our physiologic enemy. The problem is not necessarily immediate, but rather, down the road , when we encounter a corona virus (I.e SARS cov3-esque) that is mutated enough that those antibodies bind virus, but don’t neutralize. Then we are immune “primed” for both a hyper immune reactions and excess viral replication. This is an antibody dependent enhancement reaction.
We have never had a successful HIV nor coronavirus vaccine for this very reason. Viral families and our responses to them immunologically are very different. Personally, I will never get a vaccine against any corona virus, of any sort, ever. I understand the long term mechanisms and dangers too well. This is a canary in the coal mine tale of enhancement reactions that happened with Dengue vaccines.

Mandates, for an experiment, bound to fail, are criminal. I get the impression that money to the hospitals promised by the government is the driving factor. The shots so far are the most dangerous/deadly medication/shot/biologic agent ever used on humanity. I don’t know if no one in the hospitals is looking, or if they are willfully ignorant. I am speaking out wherever I can. I know immunology and virology. All of these are imprudent.

Early treatments and prophylaxis are statistically far more effective.

The breakthrough cases, hospitalizations and deaths from delta are from the vaccinated, according to world data. The CDC is straight up lying.

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson

We are all Rhodesians now.