It doesn't take a math wizard but it does take a clairvoyant to try and guess whether or not they are in hospital because of covid, old age, or lifestyle choices. I have never denied that covid cannot make some people very ill, just like the flu. It needs to be said though, the vast majority of people will not become very ill. Of the 27,000 Canadians who have died, probably half would be dead without covid. I am not a covid denier but a covid realist.
The latest surge in covid cases is not because of the unvaxxed running amok; it is because of the entire population deciding, since most of them are vaxxed, they could throw caution to the winds. Mixed signals from, in our case, BS Bonnie, probably didn't help.
The truth is, if you attend large gatherings or gather with people in confined spaces, you have a good chance of getting sick.Perhaps not from covid but from something else. This has been going on for nearly two years now and less than 4% of BC's population has been infected (the number is undoubtedly higher than that since a large portion of those infected show zero symptoms and are never tested. This includes those who are vaccinated, of course). Of those infected, less than 1/10 of one percent have died. Of those who have died, we don't know how many were predisposed to die because of underlying health problems because nobody wants that information to be available.
It is plain. at this point, the vaccinations will not play any part in stopping the virus. The vaccination will allow more people to survive the virus and, if the virus follows the path of most, it will become less virulent as it evolves; unless the vaccine pushes it in an unexpected direction. Right now, with nearly 80% of the population vaccinated, BC is seeing a surge in cases. This is not because of the 20% who are not fully vaccinated but because of the behavior of all of them. GD