Another tactic mr lazy azz warden will try to do to dissuade you from calling ever him again to inconvenience him to do his fu ck ing job

Is the classic you was hunting bait also then.
To scare you.
And make it seem like he is doing you a favor by not citing you....

Then ya say nice try.
I was unknowingly in this 250 yard x amount of acres circle of this bait pile.
And discovered it, then beat feet back here after I called you about it and wait for you right here to show where it is at.
So I can be cited for hunting over bait unknowingly of my own admission after you show up but dont mention that on the phone when I called you...

Get the dumb look and the standard got a meeting or catch em in the act thing again.

These mutha fugga,s are jedi masters of not doing their job.