Originally Posted by ribka

Kind of like your gun confiscation? lol. That was pretty laid back

like when the US brought in permits for supressors, short barrelled rifles and machine guns in the gun control acts of the 30's. Refresh my memory, how much resistance was there to that? You yanks rolled over for uncle sam without a second thought.

In fact in about 20,000 pieces of gun legislation brought into the US 50 states and 3000 counties the last 80 years I cant remember seeing reports of armed resistance or open defiance to any of them....

Of course you could prove me wrong and show a video of yourself cutting a rifle barrel down illegally.

Ive been asking that of blowhard americans on internet forums for 20 years. Still havent found one with the balls to practice what he preaches.

Learn some manners or grow a brain. Hint. One option is easier than the other..