I applaud the Aussies for pushing back. Any type of push back, in any form is better than rolling over. Sometimes the push back is ignoring the mandate, sometimes it is protesting and for most here it is complying after the brainwashing. I live in a section of the US where ignoring was the way to go. No state/city around me had mandates, many businesses did. At that point you can choose to mask up and go in to spend your money, or bypass it and get your stuff elsewhere. Had I lived in a mandate area, my choices may have been different.
A lot of keyboard commandos think they will go down in a hail of bullets fighting for what is right. In actuality, the scene from the movie STRIPES, where John Candy and friends hand over their guns is more like what will happen.
During hurricane Katrina, peoples guns were taken, just because they had them. Some people boasted that - they didn't find this one!! (but they took the other 19 that they did find!) My question is - what good is a gun if you are not going to use it?? Do you risk the chance of death, injury or incarceration?? I guess all that "From my cold dead hands" stuff is BS. The time to use it is before you surrendered the other 19 guns - not to brag that you still have 1 !! A gun buried in your backyard does no good, unless it is there so you can point the finger and say " you coward, you gave up your guns". Either way you are still perceived as the disarmed masses from the ruling class.

Some is Good---More is Better----Too Much is Just Right