Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Absolutely, the economic damage caused by the governments response to covid will take some time to recover from.

I meant that I'm not overly worried about the health aspect or fear of projected loss of freedoms. I'll wear a mask if they want me to, and I'll do the social distancing etc because it's not going to be like this forever. The rules have cyclically relaxed during the course of the last year and a half - and have always tended towards how life used to be.

The unknown scares people and it's going to be the end of the world, but it never is. We go through disease and economic hardships but we get out of it eventually. How many times has the world supposed to have ended?

Huh? The restrictions have 'cyclically relaxed' and 'tended to how life used to be'? What, vaccine mandates or being forced out of employment in a growing range of sectors? Longer and harder lockdowns than anytime since the pandemic started? Thats the life that used to be?

And the discussion is not 'the world ending' its 'economic impoverishment' which happens all the time.

3/4 of the world, 160 countries in the 2nd and 3rd world in fact live this reality due to poor policies, bad leaders or just bad decisions. There is no written rule that the 1st world can do whatever it wants and miraculously right itself, unless you know something we dont.
Frankly any damage to the next generations chance of owning a home is way too much damage already.