Originally Posted by champlain_islander
I don't know how it is going in the rest of the country but Vermont has maintained some of the best numbers and is running around 80% vaccinated. Latest report from our Vermont medical commissioner says the existing Covid cases that are hospitalized are 70 to 75 percent unvaccinated. I believe him and that data tells me that getting the jab is smart.

Personally I could care less if a man or woman chooses to get zero jabs, one jab or a hundred jabs. But to come upon me and mine with threats and intimidation... will not be tolerated.

The lies surrounding this wildcard medical lab rat testing experiment could fill the ocean... That you believe any government medical commissioner gives me pause.

Admittedly, I do not know your medical commissioner (and will not throw you or him/her under the bus without knowing more). If you feel their standing is impeccable please advance that opinion with names and further information. Thanks

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.