I posted this on a MSM site, but I thought it worth posting here too. I was responding to a report from the UK regarding a spike in infection and deaths, despite their very high levels of "vaccination":

Is it time to recognise that the emperor has no clothes? It should be clear by now that mass "vaccination" has not worked, and may be having counterproductive effects.

The mRNA and viral vector injections have not demonstrated that they meet the definition of a vaccine, because they don't provide immunity, nor do such effects that they do have, last. They are "leaky": allowing the inoculated to carry virus and transmit it. It should be no surprise therefore that they are actually promoting the emergence and success of variants. Worse, evidence such as a recent rise in case fatality ratios in the UK appears consistent with a phenomenon already known in biology: the role of wide application of leaky vaccines in promoting more deadly strains of the pathogen. This runs counter to the usual evolution of pathogens, which tend to become less and less virulent over time.

There is precedent for this phenomenon in the case of Marek's Disease in chickens, and so it is not as if it wasn't known about nor could be predicted.

For further reading I suggest looking up these papers, as a starting point: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens by Read et al, and The Need for Evolutionarily Rational Disease Interventions: Vaccination Can Select for Higher Virulence by Boots. Both peer reviewed, both from 2015 PLOS Biology.

There are many more papers on the topic, from a time before all of this became political.