Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by joken2

Daughter just texted me this:

" My main boss...the manager who was pressuring me to get the vaccine... saying how she just got her 3rd dose & was doing fine...just collapsed from 2 brain aneurysms yesterday. One bled out. She's in ICU and now unresponsive. She's also the one who was posting pictures from concerts & karaoke bars with no mask on, but questioning my choices. "

My mother's first cousins husband.....had the best bloodwork and blood pressure numbers you could ask for.

Was not medicated for anything....let alone High BP.

Couple weeks after the first shot he got...he had a MASSIVE hemmoragic stroke. The doctors can not explain the huge BP spike.

Deader'n hell.

Father in law got shingles right after the shot. Uncle got shingles right after the second shot. Mom's first cousin was in the ICU for a week from an adverse reaction.

My first cousin got the Covid after being fully vaccinated.

Several people in town got shingles after the shot.

Wife said last night...."fugg....we dont know very many people"....."how is it that most of them have been injured by the shot?"......

Good friends wife is employed in a hospital.
As a front line worker she was entitled to the first round of shots.
She signed up, but declined when there was so little available.
She s not old, not much at risk,wanted it to go to someone worse off.

Many of her coworkers took it.

And a good chunk of them have had somewhat unexpected trouble since.
Quite a few, problems or not, regret it.

She is adamant that she doesn't want it now.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!