Originally Posted by Seafire
Where my wife and son work at our local Hospital, tomorrow is "D Day".... Oct 18, if you haven't been vaccinated you are no longer allowed on Hospital property.
They are throwing people out the door who have worked there for 20 years and more...

They're full, there on overload .... and they still are letting go 40% of their staff... supporting Biden and Queen Kate's dictates.

I sure hope each one of these upper level managers, and each one of these politicians that have created this pay for this, and it ends their lives....
either Via Covid or just a damn bad car accident....

This is communism America, its too late to wake up at this point. The battle is on our streets, and it was started by the other side...

may God have mercy on their souls.... the pompous horse's asses...

Remember their names. Get their addresses. You'll need them later..

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member