Originally Posted by 158XTP
I dont mind giving it back to you yanks since the way I see it we are all under the same attack, and I am talking all 30 x 1st world countries. But some of the replies by the Aussies here are complete rubbish,

Dan oz talking about cruising about visiting mates, doing this, doing that, freedom +.

Dan how about the million or so folks who didnt get the vaccine? What are 'their 'travel freedoms like'?

How about a country with lockdowns still across most state borders.

How about all the Aussies who still cant get home( since the pandemic started) whilst celebrities and politicians fly about as they please and LAUGH about it on television.

How about all the folks forced out of their professions if they didnt get a mandatory medical procedure?

Good heavens they have carved the country up into a 2nd world dump, wiped 3-4 of the major human rights( to associate, to travel freely, to pursue any chosen profession and not to be coerced into medical procedures) and you are trying to convince our American friends life in Sydney is ''business as normal'' because you visited a few friends and had drinks.

All we need now is Mauser9mm posting on about how everything is ''cycling back to normal'' lol.

I can appreciate you fellas defending the country, but lets keep it real. We have been screwed hard enough to get a whale pregnant and cuirrently are under less freedom than anytime since the 4th fleet of convicts arrived in the old days

Finally someone that gets it. Some of your fellow citizens don't seem to understand that as we watch there and here we do so knowing what you've described is very much desired by people like biden and all the other liberal ilk we have running the show here. It seems to me your country has been more singled out for heavy handed treatment more than any other decent nation in the world. There is a reason for that too and It will show as time passes. Also there is no doubt in my mind that the tyrannical treatment is all agreed upon by the so called "world leaders". They have a plan and a timeline. That's why we watch with great interest and empathy as you fellows get dealt with in a way freedom loving people despise.