Originally Posted by 158XTP
Originally Posted by Jim1611

Finally someone that gets it. Some of your fellow citizens don't seem to understand that as we watch there and here we do so knowing what you've described is very much desired by people like biden and all the other liberal ilk we have running the show here. It seems to me your country has been more singled out for heavy handed treatment more than any other decent nation in the world. There is a reason for that too and It will show as time passes. Also there is no doubt in my mind that the tyrannical treatment is all agreed upon by the so called "world leaders". They have a plan and a timeline. That's why we watch with great interest and empathy as you fellows get dealt with in a way freedom loving people despise.

Correct, every country is being tested in its own way. For whatever reason we havent been hit with 100% citizenry mandates yet like Austria has and Germany is talking about or Greece with 60+ year olds( they get a compounding fine for every week they fail to get vaccinated.).

The US angle was the high covid kill rates to keep you indoors. The 2nd and 3rd world and even some unlocked 1st world countries brushed covid off like a bad diaorhea strain( i mean literally, covid only beat diaorhea by about 30% fatalities), but somehow the worlds most advanced country got hit( and keeps getting hit) many times harder.

One thing I dont buy into is Left vs Right anymore. All the free worlds 31 or so national constitutions , (which are the greatest documents for human freedom written in our species history) were side stepped in just 24 hours without a vote, including the most powerful of all, the US constitution. Left and right wing leaders existed in about equal measure across those countries.

Doesn't add up does it.

Like the greens and labor inexplicably doing an abrupt about face and welcoming US troops and nukes, and not a word from them about the intrusive policies and use of force.

This sort of thing is their bread and butter...but not a single peep from any of them.

I think they are shit scared about something, and they are not sharing.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.