Originally Posted by rcamuglia

Please tell us where 158XTP is full of it

The man is most definitely not full of it.

Any indoor shopping venue requires the use of a mask and I am not aware of any large gatherings that do not require a mask.

From my own perspective...I live in a country electorate that has less than three thousand people and thus far there have been no local covid cases, so we have by and large missed the entire thing...I personally haven't missed a single day of work from any covid related issue.

That said, those in the cities and larger communities have been royally shafted, and are still getting bent over.

I personally do not think those in Government are out to get us...I just think that those in Government largely consist of brainless bums without a lick of common sense. I also suspect that they are terrified about something they are not sharing with the rest of us.

As for those that are not vaxed...that is their decision and their choice, and neither the Government nor anybody else has any damned business gainsaying or penalising that choice.

And no one has any damned business denigrating my decision...but the control freaks and halfwits here will, after all, everyone should do as they do...or else!

I also think that common sense in the USA is a god-damned super power because of the rarity, and that Americans in particular are susceptible to any halfwit with a story and an internet connection.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.