I did look at it and felt what the guides recommended was also important. Chances are the information in a government agency was written by a paper pusher who has never been in the field. I am sure lots of game has been killed with the .30-30. Here guys used to hunt elk with it. Not because it is what was best, but what they had. One of my older friends told me he hunted deer a couple years with a .25-20 because that was all he had at the time. Later he used the .243 through the 7mm Wea. Several of my friends in S.D. shot bison with .22-250s. Hit them in the ear. It will do the job, but like the Indian woman who killed a grizzly with a.22 short. That is what she had. Doesn't make it the best. I realize you are in a different situation than the sport coming to Alaska for brown bear. It doesn't cost you 30-40,000 dollars for a big bear hunt. If I were going, I would probably take a .340 or .375. But I can shoot them and shoot them well. Doesn't mean everyone can. What works under one set of conditions doesn't mean it is ideal.

Molon Labe