In the link I provided above and the statements by Trudeau.......Having had time to think about it, I realize that he has just given fellow Canadians justification for untethered backlash toward un-vaccinated from the Vaccinated.

Trudeau's statements are provocative and misleading, they go against the current data. It is another example that he is unfit to govern, is willing to blunder into another rabbit hole that Canada is trying to get out of. I am referring to Canada's Native issue, wasn't it just one day ago he announced 40 billion to say sorry? it lasted one fugging day and uses language that takes the entire Country back to the same hole, same shyte different pile.

The shortage of healthcare workers he speaks of was clearly here before the wuhan, but they have made it worse by "firing" thousands of workers, but has seemingly made it someone else's fault. The Federal/Provincial Governments have had two years to prepare a new generation of healthcare workers taking the strain off the already experienced healthcare workers, they have failed.

The way Trudeau speaks, I wonder what he is capable of doing?
If we look at what Canada has done in the past to "human beings", I can see the a repeat of the same historical sequence of events. Is Trudeau going to round us up and intern us? or is he just trying to be cool and show the World the great leader that he wants us to see?
He uses the media and sounds like Hitler more everyday, and I truly believe we are being led by a madman, I seriously believe he has a mental disorder and (((Gerald Butts))) and friends pulls the strings.