Desperation is setting in on the Covtards now. I just saw the BCTF President say the Province should of imposed a mandate for all teachers, that would of made it more clear she says.

This buffoon thinks the low Vaccination of teachers in the North will increase, I guess she thinks they are going to cave.
We are going to loose this Virus shortly, yet they are continuing to abuse the Citizens by them throwing their weight around.

A record number of Parents have pulled their kids out of school, not because they are afraid of Covid, its because they are afraid of the BCTF and the threatening mandates for school kids. They would have you believe its because of their fear of Covid, it isn't.

Interesting to know, there are small private schools opening all over neighborhoods with a Mom teaching several local kids in their home, I know one personally, and I hear of a couple more.
Its a win win for the Government who wants to decrease the class sizes in public schools, but doesn't want to hire more teachers, so they don't mind.