Good afternoon, I hope you all are well too.

We're still fair to better out here thanks kindly.

Indeed well said again sir, "But alas, we can't have it all"..

What I find myself explaining to folks a whole lot lately is that they have to look at many of these measures through a lens that "might" have an effect on them someday, given a different government or set of circumstances.

Folks that weren't affected by closing of places of worship but could still go to their favorite casino or non firearm owners come to mind here. wink

A good friend of mine used to use this phrase in company business meetings that both made me laugh and yet was pretty truthful. Someone else would be going on about whatever and he'd blurt out, "Hey wait a minute, how does this affect ME?"

All the best to you and yours this upcoming week Jordan.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"