Originally Posted by yukon254
Originally Posted by T_O_M
It's interesting. I don't really trust either side of the discussion. We've had too much "all peachy" pro-vax propaganda from the left+media+medical community which has proven to be false. There are too many breakthrough cases and too many vax injuries for that to be an accurate picture. Yet we've had too much "the sky is falling" anti-vax propaganda from the right which has so far not proven to be true either. Time will tell. For now, I think we need to notice all that is said by everyone from every side but pass it all through the same boolsheet filter remembering that anyone who is speaking is speaking for their own benefit, not for ours. Cynical .. yes, I am. Thank both the far left and the far right for that.


The right, at least the right Ive been listening to, has been predicting for months things that have been coming true. The lefts only answer is the jabs. Its easy as hell to see the end game now and it has nothing to do with our health. I feel sorry for the good Canadians that are stuck here; at least I can leave, and if this happens, thats exactly what I will do. Total and complete communism, and the fact that they even mention something like this in public shows you just how far gone we are. You people that had your eyes closed through all this are going to regret not using your thinking skills one day real soon.


I go with my gut on pretty much everything that is life altering, that, and as much common sense I can muster, also, the mainstream media has been lying.

I think Minister Duclo is referencing Government related minions to be mandated, he may have been hinting toward Citizenry to be mandated, but I think even Trudeau would realize that would turn the Country into a nasty place. He may have to wait in line as we have other issue's ready to erupt at anytime.

I think that the Liberals are so out of touch with Western Canada that they are going to have trouble.

Jason Kenny has his wits about him on this, so there is that.