Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
The USA is India's and China's biggest export market.

They won't be refusing Greenbacks any time soon.

They are producing products for us at a serious price disadvantage.... they would much rather enrich their population and sell these items to them for a better profit.
They have a customer base of billions.
You really don't understand the concept of the reserve currency , do you?

You're just insufferable with your child like understanding of the world but willingness to pontificate.

China and India already own most all of their domestic markets. That's why we have such a large trade imbalance.

China got rich exporting. How any grown man does not know this is beyond me.

But here you are. crazy

China/Russia/India trying to set up some ad hoc reserve currency is doomed to failure because they are all even worse manipulators than the Fed.

Yes I understand.... you are such a brilliant business man, you have had how many business's in the last ten years? did they go broke? did your partners leave?
Most business people plan for long term... it takes much capitol and time to establish a business and build name recognition, I have never known a legit business that changes it's name/ business model every few years.
Now shyster type business come and go.... hmmmm
And as brilliant as you are how come you haven't figured out a damn thing about what kind of business I am in... I have given you several clues... yet you return to slumlord
Again John, I do not rent apartments , homes, duplex's etc.... no domestic dwellings and you seem fixated on me disclosing I lease month to month and you in all your brilliance decided I raise rents monthly.
Now as a business that would be a dream wouldn't it? another clue... virtually nobody can do that .... competition would never allow it.
I clarified for you and your limited intellect that having the ability to raise rents in a inflationary phase is is simply good business....
I bet even you will raise the price of your products as inflation increases.
Me not being locked into a 1 yr or 5 yr or whatever lease is smart....
Oh and another thing I quit working 10 yrs ago.... I make money while I sleep.... you being as brilliant as you are surely do not go to the shop anymore, do you?
I will ask again as you never answered , are your business partners cool with you spreading ill will via the internet to fellow gun community members?
That seems extremely short sighted to me.
I am reluctant to disclose on open forums what I do for that exact reason, even though my business has nothing to do with firearms.
It's highly unlikely even if everybody hated me and knew my business that it would affect me in any way. Yet it just seems wise to separate business from politics.... no upside....
But then you like the Black Rifle Coffee crowd, they didn't seem to have enough sense to just stick to business.... get woke go broke...
You have all the tell tale signs of a shyster.... prove me wrong

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.