Originally Posted by fburgtx
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by fburgtx
$$=material goods

Those could apply to Russia or China, at this point.

What does $$ equal in the US?? May not be oil, much longer. We know it’s not gold. As for “material goods”, what exactly does the USA manufacture these days (or at least, that COULDN’T be manufactured elsewhere)???

Money ($$) COULD equal LABOR, but nowadays, the US Govt hands money to people to sit on their azz.

The only other thing keeping the US Dollar afloat has been the fact that other countries used it to purchase things. If China/Russia/India don’t use it to buy goods, or accept it from folks looking to purchase the goods THEY make, then what VALUE does the US Dollar have????? It doesn’t even make good toilet paper...

The USA is India's and China's biggest export market.

They won't be refusing Greenbacks any time soon.

Why would they want to continue to accept worthless green paper from the US, when, with the stroke of a pen, they could tell the US that they have to start using THEIR currency???

If you’re producing the material goods (and you’re not some bullschidt “service economy”, like the US), and the country you’re dealing with NEEDS those goods (Where the heck else are 300 million pampered Americans gonna get shirts/shoes/electronics these days??), then YOU set the price.

Having your citizens produce items for substandard wages for a couple of decades may be a little rough on the populace (China), but doing it to steal the manufacturing base (and status of goods supplier of the World), and thus, crippling the USA, is a helluva lot easier than trying to defeat us militarily.

When Walmart comes to town, and runs off all the alternatives (small businesses), whatchya gonna do?? You’re gonna stand in line at Walmart, and ring up your own damned groceries, that’s what you’re gonna do....

Russia’s got gas/oil. Europe needs it. China manufactures things. The whole world needs them. For the USA to keep thinking that the world is gonna keep kizzing our azz, and let us live like kings throwing around our ponzi scheme Dollar FOREVER, is pure vanity....

Damn... that was well said, thanks

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.