Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Houston_2

You do realize that Putin has seized assets Of foreign companies doing business in Russia and recently had the Duma pass a law to Nationalize those foreign assets?

You also do realize that it’s not just America seizing Russian assets?

None of that has to do with the world losing confidence in the U.S. Dollar.

No country wants to store its wealth in a currency that can be (and is) confiscated at the whim of the issuing country.

The American government seized $400 billion U.S. dollars from Russia. It made that money totally worthless to Russia.

Nobody wants a currency that can be made worthless overnight.

If nobody wants your currency, your currency is worthless.

The actions of the American government is in the process of making the U.S. Dollar worthless.

You do realize that those seized assets didn’t vaporize and that the 400billion $ belonging to Russia still exists and can be released?

You do realize that seizing assets and nationalizing assets are 2 entirely different matters?

You do realize that the rest of the free world isn’t rushing into buying your glorious Ruble?

You do understand that Russia is having to discount their oil by 35$/bbl to get buyers?

You do realize that it’s now more than a 90% chance of Russia’s defaulting on it’s sovereign debts payments?

You do realize that Russia has tried to pay recent sovereign debt in your glorious, gold backed Rubles instead of the foreign currency that the debt was denominated in which Is default?

Go back and research some more Unz.

You're as emotional as a woman.