Good evening my cyber friend, thanks for the thoughtful reply as well as the wonderful update on your family.

Honestly I was apprehensive about the prospects of most of the leadership candidates who ran for the PC leadership last time and like many O'Toole didn't give me much comfort. It's easy to see the cause for the doubt now of course, hindsight being what it is.

When the convoy headed to Ottawa and the revolt within the PC took place, it gave me some hope that there is a will to stop some of what I perceive to be an untenable course.

Pierre is a numbers guy as am I and my good wife is as well, so all that said I am naturally more comfortable with that sort of personality. More so than a charismatic big picture person who doesn't worry about the details. Again people wired as I am only see the details or perhaps better said we struggle with grand visions presented to us as we're figuring out the logistics of it all in real time. Often that way anyways.

For our kids and grandkids it is my sincere hope and prayer that effective and meaningful change can be made.

It's an uphill battle for sure though as there are many of our fellow citizens who have bought into many narratives which I believe are false/faulty/unworkable and our legacy media certainly has had a hand in leading them to where they are.

We'll keep trying for the kids and grand kids though won't we?

Not much else we can do really is there? Pray of course, but act with conviction and hopefully wisdom as well.

All the best and God bless again.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"