Good for your son and good on you for teaching him how to stand up for himself. We had a similar situation with our oldest son. After several weeks my boy had enough and cleaned the bullies clock! Of course the school has a no fighting policy and everybody was suspended. That’s because the school districts are lazy and don’t want to have to think. I did have a low-key come to Jesus meeting with the principal about it and explained that my son was never to start a fight but he was damn sure to finish one he was ever forced into the situation by another. I also informed her that while I respected the school decision in this case, but if it happened again I would take it out of her hands and bring in the police to deal with the situation. Assault is assault and I would press charges against the perp. That was the end of it.

Your son is at the age where having a dad is an absolute requirement. Moms dont get it and why boys growing up withouy one get into trouble

Yours in Liberty,