Sort of the reverse.

Wife's been induced. Kid's way early - issues, need to deliver now or we lose the boy and the wife.

I'm doing the "dad" thing and helping out. We never did lamaze or anything - was too early. I'm standing there holding a leg, son's born, they whisk away to NICU etc. I'm freaking out - he was blue and never made a noise. I'm not a doctor but I know blue is bad and quiet is bad. Wife is out of it - I'm 22 and this was the first real "oh crap, adulthood is hitting HARD today" moment.

When stressed, I get sarcastic.

Nurse goes "You handled that well. Most fathers get green and have to sit down" - I looked at her and said "No worse than gutting a deer". She didn't find it funny. Bud damn man - my brain was 100mph then.

2 days later, doc asks me who I think the kid looks like - I said the neighbor. Wife didn't find that funny either.

So that was their WTF moment with me I guess.
