Now, that could have been my wife.

She is a pretty bright lady and seldom gives me cause to shake my head. But there was an incident about six months after we were married.

While in High School, she had worked at Taco Time. While there she had collected a set of "Looney Tunes" drinking glasses.

One morning she hollered at me to come kill a spider. It was inside the Bugs Bunny glass. So I killed it. She promptly picked up the glass and dropped it into the kitchen garbage. I told her there was nothing wrong with the glass and I squirted a little Dawn into it then washed it and put it into the proper cabinet.

The next day when I took the garbage out to the burn barrel, there was Bugs Bunny sitting atop the barrel.

I took poor Bugs in, rinsed him out, and ran him through the dish washer. Momma walked into the kitchen just as I was placing Bugs into his place in the cabinet.

Without a word, she reached over and picked up the glass. Silently, she walked out to the burn barrel and broke that glass over the rim of the barrel.

"Do you think you can wash it now?"

Did I mention, she really does not like spiders?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.