Another delivery room story.

We are in the labor room with the OB. Things are progressing quite rapidly.

The hospital had a policy forbidding dads in the delivery room, unless they had lamaze. I said BS. I am not wasting time on that crap. By then I had been armpit deep in more cows than I could count, and it isn't any different.

So anyway, the OB says, She's coming right along. I think we can have this baby right here in the labor room. What do you think.

Doc, whatever you say goes. You are the expert.

So anyway, a few minutes later. I am sitting beside wife's left knee while she is absolutely crushing my left hand, and Dr. is sitting beside her right knee. When he looks at me and asks: Are you going to be allright in here.

I looked back at Dr. and dead serious said: Dang it, I forgot the baling twine.

He got a blank "WTF" look on his face, and questioned: Baling twines?

To which I replied: To tie around the little sucker's feet and pull him out of there.

Dr. gave me a bit of a puzzled look for a moment, then grinned and said: Yeah, you're gonna be fine.

I laughed. Dr. laughed. Momma did NOT laugh. 40 years later, Momma still does not see the humor.

And about five minutes later we had a healthy, pink, squalling boy.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.