Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I used to always pull over and help someone change a tire. I first noticed "a change" 20 years ago in South Dakota. Way out in the country I saw a car with a flat pulled over on an exit ramp. I pulled in behind them, and walked up to the car. Female driver and an adult male [can't call him a man, turned out he wasn't much of a man] in the passenger's seat. I knocked on the window. This guy wouldn't even look at me!

I said "Let's change your tire." You could tell the guy was scared of me.
And he said "We have called AAA for help. Please leave us alone."

No need for help from a stranger, this guy had a cell phone! Plus he was incapable of changing a tire. I thought they were a bunch of rugged cowboys and ranchers there in S. Dakota. Come to think of it, I think this car had Minnesota plates.

Just last week I was driving down I 26 near Asheville. The gal in front of me had a blowout, and she pulled over on an exit ramp. I pulled over behind her. I got out, gonna help her change the tire, and she saw me in her mirror, she rolled down her window 2 inches and she shreiked at me "WHAT DO YOU WANT!? PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

11 am, broad daylight, where she stopped was just 50 feet from the interstate, no trees or bushes, every car on the interstate could see her car. Every car on the interstate, rest assured, was packing an Iphone. If a guy had tried an assault on this gal, there would have been fourteen calls to 911 in one minute. The cops would have been there in two minutes.

Now this gal had obviously been watching too many bad movies on the Lifetime channel.

But, times have changed when it comes to being a Good Samaritain on the road. Times have changed because everyone on the road has a damned Iphone.

It'd help is ya didn't look like a axe murderer.