Our D-bag neighbors are snow birds. They show up about 4 months out of the year and bitch about everyone else when their yard looks like hell. They've got the cheapest smallest house in the neighborhood but complain because we have a chicken coop on our 1 acre rural lot. This week they're all upset because I bought an above ground pool for the kids. They say they are going to sell their house and move because we didn't even consider that they'd have to look at our pool from their back deck.

Wrinkly old lady that used to live in the bay area and then Seattle where she worked for Boeing. Never had kid so she thinks everyone else should have aborted theirs. Tried to guilt trip my wife about the pool I just told her call the realtor and we'll help her pack. Stupid bitch shows up a few months out of the year and tells us what to do on our property when we take care of theirs for free. She really overstepped this chicken coop and pool thing. I say move back to sewerattle or the gay area.
