The last time I was in a fight had to be about 1957 or 58. My buddy and I were with out dates at a swimming pool and this jerk started harassing my date. He kept blocking her from jumping of the diving board. Well I ask her what's the problem and she tells me. I looked at him and told him to knock it off, she's with me. He says, "F you!" Next thing he knew he was at the bottom of an 8 foot deep pool with me trying to pound his head into pulp.

Of course we both get kicked out of the pool and told to leave. My buddy and I are in the locker room along with the guy and his buddies and they decide to kick our butts. The guy I clobbered told his buds I was a berserker and let's just call a truce.

We left with our dates and went for out nightly stop and the local hamburger joint. That was the last fight I was ever involved in. Had a few close calls but was lucky enough to defuse the situation. Guess I was about 19 or 30 back then. Today, at my age engaging in a physical fight would be like committing suicide. I'd just as soon not.
Paul B.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.