Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
Viking: I remember years ago reading about a long term medical study where folks in America that had taken high blood pressure "medication" lived an average of 51 days longer than those who did not take the "medications".
Now if a person were at or very near end of life that 51 days would be a very enticing reason to take the meds!
Luckily I have been blessed with very low blood pressure (no medication).
Best of luck with your situation.
Hold into the wind

We as Americans spend a lot of money on our healthcare and we can amazingly keep people alive a long time, despite terrible disease. Sure, you can let your blood pressure go hog wild, and you may leave for the most part, just as long. But you may do so post-stroke which you may have half your body you cannot use. You may spend months of your life working in rehab learning to use your body again. Or perhaps you destroy the arteries that feed your kidneys and spend the last years of your life on dialysis. Perhaps even your legs will get cut off, but you'll only live 51 days less. Let us ignore chronic health issues and overall quality of life, like we Americans tend to do.

Or perhaps those taking blood pressure medicines are being kept alive just as long as those that don't need them; truly indicating what a life-saver blood pressure medications can be.