Met my current wife after being divorced from the first "train wreck" for 5 years. I was buying a house and needed to arrange for insurance. Walked into local insurance agency office and there she was. Seemed impressive. Decided I needed additional information about some nonsense potential issue and dropped in again the next day. Hmm... out to lunch. No, sorry, I could not let anyone else help me. Came back again in about an hour and asked her about some nonsense and got a quizical, but friendly response. After a bit of friendly small talk and having established that she was also single, I managed to get a phone number if I should have any additional questions after office hours. We will have been married for 33 years next month. Also living in the same house I was then buying.

"...why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for,... because it is the only thing that lasts."