Bought a camper , she met me at IGA parking lot to give me the title , wearing a bathing suit top and cutoffs . An eye popper she was , had to know , “holy shiet girl , are they real”
Eyes got big and then with a smirk and small smile , “behave , I have my sisters kids with me”
Turned and walked away .
Didn’t see her again for at least a year .
Dropped into a sports shop and there she was , cleaning the minnow tank , made some small talk and asked her about getting together .
No dice , she was married .
Left her my business card and told her if she ever needed anything give me a call .
1 1/2-2 yrs later setting on throne and phone rings , didn’t recognize the number but did recognize the voice .
Small talk and a meeting arranged .
They were real and 12 yrs later we’re still together.