
Your Google-Fu Rifle "Knowledge" is fhuqking HILARIOUS...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]

There's ZERO need for you Crying Kchunts to cite your gross inability to keep pace,as you extoll your very WELL founded Insecurities. It is ANYTHING but "surprising",that you Fhuqktards "live" vicariously. Hint.

[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]

Pardon my simply shooting it all,as you "get" to read about it and race one another,to gawk the Splendid Pixels. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!.................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."