Interesting! A lot of work but an interesting project. We do have a gent who shoots one of the Browning repro 52's in hunter class.

Originally Posted by greydog
Your 52 Sporter is a beauty! Too nice for the likes of me. It's too nice and too valuable to modify although, I suppose, one could restock it with a dedicated stock and save the original for show. My 52C was beat up enough that I had no trouble doing the mods. If I'm completely honest, stock fit might be good for two or three points in a forty shot round, no more than that; at least in my case. My biggest challenge is just trying to hold still! GD

This one has less than most collector value as the bolt (very nicely though) was cut for the scope clearance and the peep is long gone but otherwise it's pristine. If the mounts can be made to work without more D&T I'll likely give it a try. Lots of changes for us in the next year with retiring and moving though so hard to say when I'l get to it. If nothing else it can be a spare rifle or one to loan to a friend who wants to give the game a try.

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