Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by gsganzer
I'm pro-life, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother with certain rational and compassionate constraints. The Republicans and red states are overreaching on this one IMO and deserve to lose some support. Just as Dem's that push issues on the far left deserve to lose support from their Democratic base.

I have a wife and 2 teenage daughters and this issue directly impacts them. My lifelong support/vote for the Republican party isn't unconditional and guaranteed.

Most of us prefer our representatives play closer to the middle of the playing field, not the lunatic fringe of the far left or right. For me, that means fiscally conservative and socially moderate.
There is NOT ONE BILL that outlaws abortions in those cases.

The Texas law bans all abortion after the detection of cardiac activity (which can be as early as 5- 6 weeks), the only exception is for medical emergencies that may impact the mother. Unless it's hidden somewhere I haven't unearthed, there is no exception for rape or incest after the cardiac activity threshold. Part of the argument is that a rape victim can take a concoction immediately that should prevent a pregnancy from taking hold.

I still think it's an overstep from the original TX requirements that seemed to have a reasonable level of restrictions, including:
- Abortions had to be performed before medically accepted viability of 20 weeks
- Had to be fully informed of all alternatives to abortion.
- waiting period
- consent of spouse
- listen to heartbeat and view sonograms
- strict procedures of how the abortion is performed

IMO, both of our political parties have gravitated too far to the extremes. If we continue to do this, we'll continually be revisiting settled law, while the issues that need resolved go untouched.